We offer an innovative way of sending and receiving faxes, requiring only an internet connection.
We accept the most common file formats: Adobe PDF, Microsoft Office and scanned images.
A receipt will be delivered to your email inbox.
This receipt is generated as soon as the destination fax has completed printing.
You will also be informed of any delivery errors (busy number, lack of paper, etc.)
Depending on the amount of pages, the transmission will be completed in about five minutes.
We will provide you with your own local phone number.
All faxes that are received on this number will be sent to your email inbox.
Yes. You can still use your "old" faxnumber and receive your faxes by email. There are one possibility:
Either you install a call forwarding function from your existing faxnumber to the faxnumber provided by us. All faxes to your existing faxnumber will be forwarded by email.